How to Do Great Work Without Being an A-hole

Posted: July 08, 2019
How to Do Great Work Without Being an A-hole
Check It Out

How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole seems like a great gift for the office. A great gift in general. And a book that will be purchased only to be given as a gift. Because, uh, what workplace asshole is self-aware enough to know s/he's an asshole?

More importantly, what workplace asshole doing good work desires to stop being an asshole?

Nice try, Paul Woods, but I doubt How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole is going to resonate with anyone but the recipients of assholes' assholery.

For those people, however, here's the rundown on what Woods is offering with his collection of anecdotes, self-analysis flowcharts, exercises, and action plans. The author feels the accepted, "almost celebrated" method of working long hours amidst chaotic workflows and egotistical colleagues is no longer sustainable, especially as a means of producing great work. The cracks are starting to show, with use of the term "toxic workplace," and employee backlash in the form of petitions, walkouts, and lawsuits growing. Creative and tech industries are going to have to show more accountability and transparency, or risk losing their pick of the best young talent.

How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole is as much for existing empires and execs as it is for newbies entering the workplace, or looking to move up in their field. Blunt but fun in its approach, the book attempts to provide simple strategies for building strong teams with strong morale who ultimately produce better work.

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