UNO Retro Edition

The UNO Retro Edition doesn't just bring back memories of my childhood weekends at my nana and grandpa's (Nana always tried to let me win, Grandpa was competitive) but also memories of a conversation I had with a Canadian a few weeks ago. A conversation in which the game of UNO came up and he called it, he called it...YOUNO! All innocent and good-natured, like all things Canadians say and do, so I knew he wasn't joking.
And I was like, "Wait, what did you say? YOUNO? Is that how they pronounce it in Canada?" And he was like, "Pronounce what?" And I said, "OONO, the game of OONO." And he said, "No, it's YOUNO." And I said, "No, it is absolutely OONO." And we continued on like that for about 45 minutes because neither of us had anywhere to be, and maybe we were both high, and then I forgot all about it until now.
Is UNO as YOUNO a Canadian thing, or just this guy's thing? A quick Google search indicates he isn't the uno person who says it that way, but I can't find a solid answer about global and regional pronunciations of the game. Someone should make an infographic map about it like the ones they have in Speaking American for stuff like the word "pecan" and what people call sodie.
Unlike its pronunciation, this UNO Retro Edition is exactly what it looks and sounds like: the classic game of matching colors and numbers printed with a throwback design and packaging. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.