
Drop Cup - Pong That's On A Roll

Sold Out Amazon »

Do you throw like a girl? Try rolling instead. Drop Cup is a new take on beer pong (or sodie pong, since they advertise it as both a family and an adult party game) that has players roll the ball rather than throwing it...

BRUU Moving Beer Pong Robot

Sold Out Amazon »

Bro...bruh...BRUU...I shink...I shink the beer pong cupsh are bruuu- uh, moooving...

Nightball LED Volleyball

$29.99 Amazon »

You might be a baller, but I'll bet you're no Nightballer. Ooooh, spike! In your face!...

Trejo's Cantina

$16.99 Amazon »

Trejo's Cantina is one of Danny Trejo's restaurants and, as of April 18, 2023, one of Danny Trejo's cookbooks. Trejo's Cantina: Cocktails, Snacks & Amazing Non-Alcoholic Drinks from the Heart of Hollywood is a 100-recipe...

1989 Batman Utility Belt Prop Replica

Michael Keaton will reprise his role as Batman - 30+ years later - in DC Studios' upcoming The Flash. A retired Batman, mind you, and one from an alternate universe, but still. Contemporary cinema's OG Dark Knight is...

Powerchute Mach II Golf Swing Trainer

Sold Out Amazon »

There's a lot of stuff like the Powerchute Mach II Golf Swing Trainer out there. Which is to say, there's a lot of stuff out there to make you better at golf. Way more than there is to make you better at, say, soccer...

Beer Puppeteer - Human Puppet Drinking Game

$140 Etsy »

The Beer Puppeteer is a Dutch drinking game. Yes, that's right. The same people who think it's a good idea to ride bicycles everywhere and eat herring also think it's a good idea to turn yourself into a human puppet...

Where's Bob?: A Happy Little Seek-and-Find

$10.61 Amazon »

Where's Bob?: A Happy Little Seek-and-Find should be called Where's Bob?: Another Happy Little Way for People to Make Money Off Bob Ross...

SpyraThree Water Bullet Water Gun

$172 Amazon »

How many tries does it take to get to the center of the Spyra water bullet water gun design? Let's ask Mr. Owl. Oooone. ...Twoooo. ... Thrrreeee! Three tries! At least for now, since Spyra just released the latest version...

Boom Boom Balloon Game

Sold Out Amazon »

The Boom Boom Balloon Game is the kind of game that's...not my kind of game. Players take turns shoving sticks into holes that will make the balloon pucker, with the goal of not being the poor bastard whose stick maxes...

Kickit Soccer Tennis Game

$79.99 Amazon »

Sorry, make that Kickit The Original Soccer Tennis Game. For outdoors, for indoors, for the lawn, the beach, or the playground, Kickit is a portable game that combines the foot action of soccer with the tennis goal of...

Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion

$14.95 Amazon »

The more you know, right? Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion is a simple guide to understanding magic mushrooms. Or, if you're totally, fully, my-Aunt-Jan-levels of against magic mushrooms, a simple guide to identifying...

Weird Things Humans Search For

$12.99 Amazon »

Weird Things Humans Search For makes an adult party game about two truths we already know: 1. People are strange; and 2. The fastest and easiest way to behold their strangeness is to start typing a few words into Google...

Cyberpunk Praying Mantis 3D Model Kit

$49.99 Mecrob »

This fetching and futuristic Cyberpunk Praying Mantis 3D Model does require some DIY activity, but maker Mecrob keeps the assembly fairly straightforward. The kit arrives as a collection of pre-cut and grooved parts that...

Seinfeld Fridge Magnets

Sold Out Amazon »

My fridge is just like me: Seinfeld fan and Assman. And it's time to make sure everyone knows it with a set of Seinfeld Fridge Magnets. The generous package contains 4 sheets of 30 individual magnets depicting iconic...

Corporate Nonsense Generator Fidget Toy

You say "Corporate Nonsense Generator," I say, "Corporate Bullshit Generator," Uncommon Goods? Why? Because you're a corporation that has to proactively leverage deliverables for stakeholders, and I am a normal human...

Annoying Gift Box

$34 - $40 Etsy »

The Annoying Gift Box has 20 bolts its recipient is required to unscrew and remove to gain access to the goods inside. Sounds like a fun prank, right? Especially if you're, say, giving a gift to your girlfriend in the...

Unneutered Cat Stuffed Animal

$22.99 - $29.99 Amazon »

According to Unneutered Cat Stuffed Animal seller, the Japanese brand OOPSHANA, the "application" of this testicled feline plushie is "everywhere you like, suitable for bedroom, living room, home, office, etc." Hmmm...

The Little Book of Lost Words

$14.57 Amazon »

I often find myself at a loss for words, or unable to find the word I'm looking for, so maybe this Little Book of Lost Words can help me out too. By "too," I mean, in addition to all of you dudes and ladies out there...

Wedding Dress Building Block Set

Sold Out Amazon »

I'm trying to think of the best reason for making a Wedding Dress Building Block Set...no, scratch that. I'm trying to think of a reason for making for a Wedding Dress Building Block Set, and...um...events center double...

Affirmators - Help Yourself without the Self-Helpy-Ness

$10.49 Amazon »

I'll say it up front: Affirmators! are not my thing. Even if they claim to be 50 Affirmation Cards to Help You Help Yourself without The Self-Helpy-Ness, Affirmators! are not my thing. But I think my sister-in-law would...

Kickit Pro Trainer - Badminton Meets Soccer

$20.99 Amazon »

Ah, badminton and soccer. Two sports very...well...irrelevant to my heart. Not to dog the Kickit Pro Trainer, which looks fun...in a way. A way that's sort of like, "Sure! I'll mess around with this hacky sack for 5 minutes...

DnD Dice Jail - Time Out Chair & Dunce Hat

$23.95 Amazon »

"Punish those pesky dice! They will learn their lesson fast enough on the chair of shame!" I couldn't agree more, DnD Dice Jail. In fact, I have always been an advocate of the time out chair and dunce hat. I think we...

The Botany of Beer

$24.19 Amazon »

The Botany of Beer is supposed to be An Illustrated Guide to More Than 500 Plants Used in Brewing, but I can't find a single decent image of a single page inside Giuseppe Caruso's publication. So while the title makes...