8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops

Posted: June 06, 2022
8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops
Check It Out

According to 8Greens, one 8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops contains as much Vitamin C as 2 oranges, Vitamin B5 as 15 cups of broccoli, Vitamin B6 as 15 cups of spinach, Vitamin B12 as 7 cups of milk, and zinc as 3 cups of raw peas. That's thanks to the 8 real greens that make up the lollipops' ingredient list, which include spinach, kale, aloe vera, wheatgrass, blue green algae, barley grass, chlorella, and spirulina.

And after reading all that, can I just say, 8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops sound suckin' disgusting. Is there any chance on God's green(s) earth that these things don't taste like the gritty dregs of a compost bin? Can the 10 grams of sugar and "natural tropical citrus flavor" added to each Daily Greens Lollipop actually make them palatable.

Well, dudes, I'll let you know.

On second, thought, how about you try some 8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops and let me know?

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