Flipper Zero - Tamagochi for Hackers

Posted: July 31, 2020
$119 - $129
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When I read the Flipper Zero described as a "Tamagochi for hackers," I assumed someone had finally found a successful way to teach tech bros EQ. And in a way, maybe the hackerspace-born team of Flipper Zero creators has, since their open-source multi-tool device does feature an adorable dolphin who demands care (in the form of regular hacking and next level hacking feats) to keep him alive and happy. And to grow him into the ultimate digital aquatic mammal, Cyber Dolphinius.

The Flipper Zero isn't all parenting and no play though. In fact, the hacking device's overarching purpose is to provide hardware geeks a means of researching and pentesting radio protocols, access control systems, hardware, etc. in a single case, rather than a pile of rough PCBs and bulky external modules.

Flipper Zero is based on STM32 MCU, and compatible with Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. It comes with a bevy of features and skills, but being open source, is also completely customizable. The tool comes in a "robust case" with a "beefy battery" (7-day life when on constantly) and features a 5-position directional pad and 1.4" monochrome LCD display.

For hacking functionality and control, Flipper includes a USB-C port for firmware upgrades, a deploying virtual serial port, and an emulating HID input. For real-word system communications it has a built-in radio module that supports both transmitting and receiving digital signals within the 300-928 MHz frequency range. That covers most garage door remotes, boom barriers, IoT sensors, and remote keyless systems.

You can read more about Flipper Zero, and pledge for your own Tamagochi for hackers, or get one as a gift for your favorite geek, here on Kickstarter through August 29, 2020.

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