Multi-Tool iPhone Case
Who goes anywhere without their phone? My guess is zero people. Who goes anywhere without a pocket knife, screwdriver, wrench, ruler, and bottle opener? My guess is a few more than zero people. Maybe even enough people to make these sorts of implements condensed into an iPhone 4/4S/5 case a successful project for Indiegogo and Jack Bat Designs' ADAPPT XT. Since it's unlikely that we'll leave our phones behind during the precarious navigation of life outside the home, the ADAPPT XT proposes to ensure our most-needed tool won't be left behind either.
Desirable ADAPPT XT multi-tool iPhone case personality traits include:
- A high-quality poly-carbonate composition that shields phones from nicks, scratches, and plummets from one's hands or pants. The exterior also feels rugged and manly when held while using the knife or other tools.
- A customizable multi-tool card, which can include a bottle opener, flathead screwdriver, 10-piece wrench set, and ruler.
- A compact, detachable knife blade for the introductory run. In the future, Jack Bat plans to make other tools users can swap out with the knife, such as scissors and a USB drive.
Fundraising on Indiegogo runs through September 26, 2012, with a goal of $17,000. A $45 pledge returns one ADAPPT XT iPhone case in Belmont Red, Coyote, or Ninja Black. Retail price of the cases will be around $60. For $100, backers will receive both an iPhone 4/4S ADAPPT XT, plus a second case for the iPhone 5 when it debuts this fall.
Big spenders with the travel bug and survival instincts may pledge $3,000 for a trip for two to Charleston, SC. There, you'll hang with tour guides the Jack Bat team for 4 days and 3 nights doing some Historic Charleston touring, offshore fishing, and hotel chilling. You'll also get 4 ADAPPT XTs.
Muchas danke to HiConsumption.