Giveaway: oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit

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If Nikola Tesla and Jimi Hendrix had a love child...or, like, collaborated on a project...the oneTeslaTS is what it would look and sound like. Click here and enter to win your own oneTeslaTS kit, the keys to building a high-performance MIDI-controlled musical Tesla coil from oneTesla! A $400 value!
This giveaway is open to entrants worldwide.
About the oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit
High voltage meets DIY electronics with the oneTeslaTS. And while it's pretty common for parents to brag about their prodigy kids, oneTesla truly believes their TS represents "the perfect musical DRSSTC kit." (That's Double Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil for those out of the electrical acronym loop like myself.) Check out the photos and video to see the fully assembled piece of mad science spray 2' of lightning while jamming out to a MIDI. Read on to find out How do it do that? and How do I build that?
Firstly, the oneTeslaTS kit is for DIY enthusiasts, but not DIY novices. Some experience using a soldering iron, hand tools, a multimeter, and paint-on or spray-on varnish is necessary, as is access to these tools. All other construction parts come with the kit, including a precision-made PCB-etched primary coil, machine-wound secondary, polished spun toroid, and PCB chassis.
Built to spec, the oneTeslaTS spouts sparks at a trajectory of over 20" from its secondary coil, which stands less than 7" tall. The kit's handheld musical controller can sync and play music during the light show by connecting to a MIDI input for interfacing with live instruments and MIDI devices, or reading MIDI files right from a Micro SD/SDHC card. The controller features a menu-driven interface and LCD screen to facilitate file browsing and mode selection. A fixed mode configuration, down to 1Hz, is also possible.
All oneTeslaTS DIY sets arrive perfectly tuned, so as long as makers master their driver board assembly, the coil will deliver a flawless performance. oneTesla is providing a printed user manual with this kit. The company also has a support forum for makers who have problems or questions.
OneTeslaTS Technical Specifications:
- Coil Type: Dual-resonant solid-state
- Bus Voltage: 340V nominal
- Power Inverter: 2x FGA60N65SMD
- Inverter Configuration: Half-bridge
- Secondary: 2.5x7", 38.5AWG magnet wire
- Primary: Board-integrated spiral primary
- Power consumption: 200W nominal
oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit Giveaway Entry Instructions
To register, click here and fill out the oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit Giveaway entry form. Or, if you're already a member of, when the magic entry form button appears, just click it to enter.
Giveaway prize includes: 1 x oneTeslaTS, with contents as outlined the About section above; 1 x printed oneTeslaTS printed instruction manual. Retail value is $410.
The oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit Giveaway entry period is open through 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 28th, 2015. Our drawn winner will be contacted by email within 48 hours of the entry period's conclusion, and will have 12 hours to respond and claim his/her prize. (Should we not hear back from a drawn winner in the specified time period, a new winner will be drawn and contacted.)
Winner should allow up to 3 weeks for prize delivery.
Once a winner is drawn and confirmed, s/he will be announced below.
This giveaway is open to residents worldwide.
Get oneTesla Kits & Parts Now
oneTesla sells both its founding design, the oneTeslaTS ($399.99), and a tinyTesla model ($199.99) directly through its online store. The tinyTesla is a mini musical Tesla coil kit with USB connectivity. It is suitable for DIY beginners as well as advanced makers. The store also carries kit spare/replacement parts, interrupters, and other accessories.
For a limited time, oneTesla is also offering Dude readers a 10% discount on any purchase of $98 or more from their online store! Enter the code DudeIWant10 at checkout.
A pair of MIT grads founded oneTesla in 2012 and funded their first musical coil kit through Kickstarter the following year. Today the company's mission is "to promote hands-on learning by providing kits that are well-engineered, beautiful, and fun to build."
oneTeslaTS Musical Tesla Coil Kit Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Ross F. of Porter, TX, winner of the oneTeslaTS. Thanks to all entrants, and be sure to check the Dude homepage or Dude Giveaways section for your chance to enter our latest prize drawing.
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