Offencils Profanity Pencils (NSFW)

Posted: October 03, 2018
Offencils Profanity Pencils (NSFW)
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Offencils profanity pencils are like the Daniel Tosh of insulting writing tools. They say it, they own it, and if you're offended, well...you're probably a scat-sucking twat face anyway. And, also like Tosh, if you can get past the dirty nature of Offencils' themes and language, you'll have to admit: they're pretty fucking funny.


Choad monger.

Queef breath.

Asshole casserole.

Asshole casserole! How have I not heard that one before? My day just improved tenfold knowing when I meet my friend Cornelius for beers later I'm going to be able to call him an asshole casserole.

I also can't wait until the next time someone asks me to borrow a pencil.

Offencils profanity pencils come in packs of 20 - 20! That means 20 unique and glorious slurs to share with your friends or wrap up all pretty for the next Secret Santa gift exchange.

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