Maserati GranCabrio Fendi
I always thought Maserati held a nice position in the luxury/exotic auto market. Not quite the F U egocentricity of Ferrari or Lambos, but still better than Mercedes, BMW, Audi et al. And the logo is pretty tough to beat.
007 Motorized License Plate Masks
When and where you use your 007s to play 007 is up to you, but, yes, the motorized license plate masks hide your vehicle's digits at the press of a button and, no, it's probably not a good idea to activate them every...
Full Metal Jacket Jeep
100 hours to build this beast. Totally worth it. Their words, not mine. Not that I'm calling BS or anything. It's just that I'll never know if Starwood Motors' Full Metal Jacket Jeep is totally worth it or not because...
Desktop Model Car Wind Tunnel
Have you ever wondered what the drag coefficient of your dream (model) car that you cannot afford (even the model) sitting on your desk is? Me either. But! That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to create a need where...
eleMMent Palazzo Land Yacht
DeLoreans set the standard and all, but if I had to travel to and from the future today, I'd want to hit the space-time continuum in equal parts comfort, class, and automatic liftable flybridge lounge that self-converts...
11 of the Most Expensive Things for Sale on Amazon
I tried to curate my collection of 11 of the most expensive things for sale on Amazon not just according to their cost, but also their substance, how well they present, whether or not I looked at their price, read their...
EQUUS BASS770 - New American Muscle Car
Designed and manufactured in the USA. That's the battle cry of the 2014 EQUUS BASS770, a contemporary nod to American muscle cars of the 60s and 70s. It's also probably the reason for its starting price tag of $250 grand...
Street-Legal Tumbler Batmobile
For a million bucks you'd think they could've gotten a couple shots of this replica Batman Tumbler somewhere nicer than a slab of cracked pavement with weeds growing up through it. And what are those in the background...
Knight XV Fully Armored SUV
Conquest purports to marry "ultra-luxurious" with "fully-armored" in its forthcoming handcrafted SUV, the Knight XV. Historically, this type of marriage has not ended well (see: the reigns of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette;...
The $6,800, 84 MPG Elio
Just to calm your immediate concerns, yes, the forthcoming Elio will be available in colors other than Ghostbusters Slimer. An American-made, China-priced 3-wheeler, Elio heralds itself as a next-generation personal transporter...
ICON Thriftmaster Truck
Sometimes I like vintage. Well, vintage aesthetics. Not really vintage functionality. Or the thought of being in my strapping manly prime when now-vintage things were in theirs. Typewriters. Cool to look at. Not cool...
Legacy Power Wagon
The Legacy Power Wagon. As the name suggests, it isn't new, but with only a handful crafted per year--by artisan auto mechanics at Legacy Classic Trucks in Jackson Hole, Wyoming--it remains one of the truck world's most...
Cardok Underground Parking
Boy do I hate having to park both the Porsche and the Lambo on the front circle drive. It really detracts from the visual splendor of my gilded front door and Batman topiary. What, a retractable underground parking space...