Custom Wood Vespa

Posted: April 06, 2013
Custom Wood Vespa

A few years ago, Portuguese carpenter Carlos Alberto became the Best Dad in the World--not just an imposter Best Dad in the World who wears the T-shirt and flashes the mug--when he carved his daughter Daniela a Vespa-styled scooter almost entirely out of wood. Classy wood in a compelling pattern, no less. If my dad made me a wood Vespa he would probably use balsa and felled limbs from the backyard.

Alberto crafted his from laminated hardwood, starting with a bent plywood frame and continuing right down to the elegant details of textured coffee-colored handlebars and a marbled, spring-supported seat. A 50cc motor and a pair of roulette-rimmed wheels make the Vespa go. I wonder if this piece of mobile art has been stolen yet. If not, I'm going to look into flights to Portugal.

Muchas danke to HiConsumption.

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