10 of the Most Pandemic Friendly Halloween Costumes
In addition to calling this collection of Halloween costumes "pandemic friendly" I would call Halloween itself a pandemic friendly holiday. So many options either inherently have full-head and face masks, or make it easy to wear your own face mask with them.
This year Halloween could be a much-needed break from reality like never before. Sure, everyone's face will be covered, but at least for that one night, we can tell ourselves it's because everyone is feeling the spooky, kooky, irreverent spirit of the season. For that one night it won't be that we're panicked about people keeping their viral aerosols to themselves, it will be that we all love Halloween!
I think it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: despite my deeming them pandemic friendly, none of these costumes are FDA-approved to protect you against COVID-19, or any other virus or disease. Also, some do not comply with existing FDA coronavirus safety guidelines without the layering in of your own face mask or filter.
Also note, pandemic friendly Halloween costumes are priced as they were at printing. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
Doctor, Nurse, or Other Front Line Worker
This one, like wearing a mask in the first place, is a no brainer. Pay tribute to our essential workers fighting to get and keep us healthy, and don a costume that makes one of the disposable 3-ply face masks you bought fit right in.
Get your surgeon garb - available in ER doc and master surgeon sets - via the link above. Sexy, seductive - and mysterious behind those non-woven filter ply + fiber ply + soft cotton layers - nurse wannabes, click here.
The Grim Reaper
I mean, if the pandemic fits, might as well wear the Grim Reaper costume. This one brings some fun irony to the Halloween party too, since while the costume itself helps protect the wearer from contracting and spreading the virus, the Grim Reaper character serves as a reminder of, and bit of socio-political commentary on, how disastrous covid has been for us this year.
This Grim Reaper costume covers you head to toe in a black robe and a full-head hood with see-through face covering. LED-lit glasses create the glowing red eyes.
Inflatable NASA Astronaut Costume
Or you can cover the NASA logo on the belt with the United States Space Force! acronym and logo. Get a group of friends together to blow up Halloween in these inflatable astronaut costumes and you'll naturally keep everyone covered, distanced, and ready to escape to Mars.
Or at least ready to film Team America 2: Solar System Police.
Arnold Total Recall Face Mask
Choose from Arnold Screaming in Pain and Arnold Clenching His Jaw in Pain Total Recall face masks. Then round out the costume with some painted paper towel tubes wrapped around the back of your head, and aluminum foil caps stuffed in the ends that stick out past your ears.
Dude. I feel a Schwarzenegger arts & crafts weekend coming on.
Realistic Masks Full Head Silicone Masks
Realistic Masks goes for full-face fakeouts that will rock your collections of Halloween costumes and PPE alike. Walter White and Thanos are my favorites, with honorable mentions going out to Voldemort and Heath Ledger's Joker.
If I could afford the ol' Heisenberg second skin the first thing I would do is wear it to the grocery store and see if more people came up to me asking for my autograph, or telling me I'm gonna get kicked out if I don't put my mask on.
Daft Punk Helmet
One good point these images of Maz Power Props' "Robot Helmets" make is: why stop at Halloween? Slip on your Daft Punk-inspired headwear when you go out or partake in social activities all year long, and you'll not only be a more responsible, health-conscious citizen, but also a harder, better, faster, stronger person in general.
Jurassic World Inflatable T-Rex Costume
Rrraaawwwrrr! I'm taking all possible precautions! I learned my lesson from the meteor!
Mandalorian Beskar Suit
No 'rona ain't no match for Mandalorian steel! Sure, this Beskar Suit from Etsy shop Cyber Craft RU isn't made from real Mandalorian steel, and sure, my opening remarks have so many double negatives that I'm not even sure what I ended up saying there, but the short of it is, this is a 10/10 Halloween costume on 2 levels: 1) it's timely and culturally relevant, given the success of The Mandalorian's first season, and the fact that season two is starting the day before Halloween this year; 2) it covers your entire face, head, and neck with the equivalent of a presidential debate-approved plexiglass shield.
Bane Mask
Covid. It was all part of Bane's plan. It's been 8 years since The Dark Knight Rises was a hit. It was getting to the point that, outside of cosplay circles, Bane was hardly relevant anymore. His mainstream Cinderella story was about to strike midnight.
So Bane plotted. Bane schemed. And then Bane went to Wuhan.
Now, somehow, everyone needs to wear a mask. And if everyone needs to wear a mask, why not make it a Bane Mask?