Halloween Spirit: 12 Cool Products in Orange & Black
I should have found 13 cool products in orange & black to make this compilation even more true to the Halloween spirit I claim it embodies - or rather, disembodies. But I'm lazy, so you get 12.
To my credit, all of the orange & black products I picked are at least original enough not to be Halloween related, and there isn't a pumpkin or, worse, a pumpkin spice anything to be found.
Note: Orange & black products are priced as they were at printing. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
Baby Thug Onesie
"I just did 9 months on the inside...and now that I'm out, my mom is making me wear an orange onesie that, for some reason, encourages many who see me to double-bump a fist against their chest and flash me two fingers." When it came out, Bloomingdale's termed this baby thug suit "droll". Which is so paradoxically pretentious, and maybe the worst possible word to use in describing criminal-themed kiddie clothes, but whatever uppity New York department store.
For anyone who looks at the baby thug onesie and thinks more along the lines of "drool" or "roll" - as in "This is how I roll" - the orange-and-black cotton romper can be yours to pimp out your newborn to 12-month-old for a few dead presidents.
Carbon6 Lume Ring
If you weren't glowing with happiness about your engagement, marriage, pregnancy, divorce settlement, or Halloween costume before, here's your chance. Carbon6's Lume Ring, made of forged carbon fiber over the brand's custom orange glow material, will literally send light spilling from your finger.
The Lume Ring is available in blue, purple, turquoise, and green inner colors too.
AERIAL A1 Tree Tent
O peon, go! Collecteth mine AERIAL A1 Tree Tent and wrapeth its high tensile webbing straps 'round twin trees so I may slumber like the sloth!
The Opeongo AERIAL A1 Tree Tent is neither the first tree tent, nor the first tent-hammock hybrid we've seen - Tentsile has been sleeping in the trees for years. But that's not to say there's no room for more. Plus, Opeongo believes they have refined the shelter into "an intuitive design made for real campers," and one that lets them call the AERIAL A1 the first of its kind.
Also, it comes in the perfect orange-and-black colorway for Spooky Season.
Big Wheel Drift Trike
If I had known when I was 7 that I could grow up to be a manufacturer of custom motorized drift trikes maybe I would have let go of all that astronaut BS before wasting the next 12 years figuring out that I'm not smart enough to be an astronaut. Though I guess if I had realized I'm also not smart (or dexterous) enough to build motorized drift trikes, that would've sucked just as bad.
Who does have the mental and physical wherewithal to create these 3-wheeled racing battle machines is August Agner of SFD Industries. Agner and his team claim to be the world's first (and naturally best) motorized drift trike manufacturer. Each trike's chassis is CNC bent out of .095 chro-moly, and tig welded and assembled in house.
Black Fire Compression Sleeve
Are you a superhero with blazing gauntlets, or just a sensible athlete who knows compression sleeves will improve blood circulation and contribute to peak performance? I myself am neither, but do hope Sleefs' Black Fire compression sleeves will keep my arms warm enough in the coming months that I can continue wearing my AC Slater tanks all winter long.
Ohmie Lamp
OK, the Ohmie Lamp is completely orange...though I might argue it creates black shadows...but I had to include it in my cool orange & black product roundup because not only is it loudly and unapologetically Navel Orange in color, it is also made almost entirely out of navel orange peels.
No joke. I put my orange peels in the compost bin, Ohmie puts theirs in a desk lamp. Italian design firm Krill Design developed both the idea and the method as a "smarter way to manage waste from the food chain." The Ohmie composition is a mix of orange peels and a biopolymeric base that has been 3D printed into the 9", 5.3-ounce table lamp you see here.
Zoom Tube Monocular Telescope
The Zoom Tube Monocular Telescope weighs just 9.5 ounces, so you can pack it up and take it along on any adventure. Non-creepy adventures only, please, peeping toms and stalkers! Sporting events. Hiking and mountaineering trips. Sighting and watching all the dumb birds of North America.
In addition to its portability, the Zoom Tube Monocular Telescope distinguishes itself with a colorful ribbed housing that both absorbs impact if jostled or dropped, and provides grip during use. The latter is especially helpful if your hands get sweaty during big plays, tough climbs, and awaiting the White-Breasted Nuthatch, or if you have my wife's fingers, and they freeze and become nonfunctional when the temperature drops below 55.
SEVENFRIDAY Orange Carbon Watch
What rhymes with orange? Nothing. What goes with orange? Your wrist, if you're lucky. Swiss brand SEVENFRIDAY makes another bold (and juicy!) statement with their P3C/09 Orange Carbon Watch. While its massive 47mm square case will catch every appreciative eye that glances its way, the watch's carbon fiber construction elements will keep it light and strong during wear.
Sandgrain Studio Minimalist Pulp Fiction Poster
Sandgrain Studio's artistic interpretations of prized scenes and images from beloved movies and TV shows has brought us an extensive collection of posters that are modern, minimalist, and subtle. They're kind of in contrast to the films and series they represent, which are largely anything but.
One thing the posters and their big screen / little screen references do have in common: they're all exceptional works of art. And fitting very nicely into my orange & black theme today: Pulp Fiction's Mrs. Mia Wallace lounging atop of color block of burnt orange.
KEA KIT Outdoor Survival System
Get a leg up on nature with the KEA KIT outdoor survival system. KEA KIT. KEA KIT. That's an interesting name. Please tell me there's no assembly required for proper use. That I don't have to follow obscure line drawing directions to be prepared for unexpected adventures and emergencies. That if after putting together my KEA KIT I end up short 6 screws / nuts / bolts / dowels, or with 25 extra screws / nuts / bolts / dowels I'm totally dead when it's time to start a fire, filter stream water, patch up my bloody elbow, or wrestle a bear.
OK, fine, I won't hold it against the KEA KIT no matter what if I lose a wrestling match with a bear.
Joking aside, the KEA KIT has no relation to a certain Swedish furniture brand, and arrives fully assembled. Plus fully packed, organized, and divided into modules so you can take just when you need on excursions ranging from day hikes to weekend camping trips to a month off-grid in your RV.
Omniblade Machete Multi-Tool
Uh, I know it's called an Omniblade, but I still wonder if it's wise to hold this apocalypse-ready machete multi-tool from omni ends. For example, it seems like the Omniblade grip the dude in the photo has chosen is just as likely to incur a gutting of his own self during wielding as it is to hack apart the zombie he goes up against.
To its credit, the Omniblade's fusion of a machete, a tomahawk, and a saw looks real good. Bloody good is perhaps the best superlative for it. And when its makers say the dynamic tool / wreaker of havoc has a "one-of-a-kind design" they're certainly not exaggerating.
HYDRA Utility Knife
Come to the HYDRA Side. We have G10, carbon fiber, and Kirinite cookies. Not to mention an option for fetching Sunspot Orange accents. The HYDRA is the latest utility folding knife from Ronin Energetics, another stunner with more than just pretty cookies to offer.
In addition to a strong, lightweight, and visually interesting composition, the HYDRA distinguishes itself with a magnetically-assisted flip mechanism and magnetic blade-change system for fast and tool-free blade swap. Once in place the magnets hold tight to your blade with 20+ pounds of force. The knife's housing is also designed to give you access to the full length of the blade every time you flip it open.