Pod Culture: Fun & Funky AirPods Cases
These fun & funky AirPods cases are all pop culture parodies that remind me of yet another way in which Apple AirPods are no different than any other Apple product. They're an Apple product that opens the floodgates for the creation of a million non-Apple products made to enhance, protect, or accessorize them. Everyone wants a piece of the Apple pie.
And here, as it were, the Frito-Lay, Starbucks, Nintendo, and Nissin pies too. Enjoy the slices they've taken with these clever AirPods covers.
Polaroid Camera-Style AirPods Case
It's an instant shot of sound with the Polaroid Camera-style AirPods Case. House your Apple earbuds in the "Polarbear" if you don't mind its chunky profile. The case for your charging case opens at the side.
The Joker AirPods Pro Case
Agent of chaos here to bring some order to your life. Or at least help keep you from dropping, misplacing, or getting your AirPods Pro mixed up with your friend Cornelius'. Ew, Cornelius-earwax-contaminated AirPods in my ears! Someone give me some Smylex to clean this stuff out!
Yes, that's right, Smylex. Jack Nicholson's Joker will always be my #1.
Lay's Potato Chips AirPods Case
Get your your AirPods Lay'd with a soft silicone skin styled after a bag of the classic potato chips. The cover will give your AirPods case 360-degree protection as your tunes flow smooth as Ranch dip in your ears while you walk, run, fly, or gaze at the replica, mouth watering for the taste of salty, crunchy, scrumptious thins of fried potato.
Cup Noodles AirPods Case
It's not Top Ramen, it's Pod Ramen with the Cup Noodles case for AirPods 1 and 2.
Budweiser Beer Can-Style AirPods Case
Alright, sure, most of these fun & funky AirPods cases are made in the style of whatever pop culture product whose copyright they're being very careful not to infringe on.
But "Busdriver" for "Budweiser?" Who came up with that? It's awful. Both as a recognizable parody, and as a stereotype against poor bus drivers. Not all of them are drunks sneaking swigs from cans of Bud behind the wheel!
Just the ones you and I had growing up.
Nintendo Switch AirPods Case
To anyone who thinks the Nintendo Switch is "cute," the makers of this AirPods case say, "Don't be fooled by the cute appearance!" They continue, "This high-quality soft silicone case is very tough and durable, and is not easily deformed." Which is more than I can say for an actual Nintendo Switch thrown to the ground in anger after one sucks big doody for 5 Fortnite Battle Royale rounds in a row.
Nintendo Switch skins are also available for AirPods Pro here.
Rick Sanchez AirPods Case
I imagine if you sliced through Rick Sanchez's forehead and popped open his skull, a pair of AirPods wouldn't even be close to the most bizarre thing you'd find inside.
Starbucks AirPods Pro Case
Gift for your girlfriend time, dudes. Nothing goes better with a triple grande nonfat sugar-free caramel latte than an AirPods Pro case. It will help her throw as much love Starbucks' way as she does dollar bills. And also help keep her AirPods safe when she spills her coffee on them.
What? Your girlfriend doesn't have AirPods Pro? Welp, better put a pair of those in your cart alongside the case.