Yoga Joes Army Men

Posted: October 22, 2015
Yoga Joes Army Men
Check It Out

Yoga Joes call themselves "a non-violent toy." Maybe that description makes you smile, in which case you can buy some army men doing yoga as a gift for your kids or to decorate your desktop. Or maybe that description makes you sneer, in which case you too can buy some army men doing yoga. As a gag gift for your favorite member of the armed forces, veteran, or dude who needs to chill out. Much like yoga itself claims to do, the 9 figures striking peace-loving, body-calming, sun-saluting poses transcend all earthly constructs. They are perhaps the perfect present for people who really love namaste, and really hate it alike.

Green Army Yogis come packed in their own yoga studio (heated to a toxin-freeing 104 degrees, I hope!) and feature the following poses: Tree Pose: Warrior One; Cobra Pose; Downward Facing Dog; Meditation; Child's Pose; Crow Pose; Warrior 2; and Headstand.

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