Master Debaters Party Game

Why do we have to become Master Debaters? Can't we all just get along? Agree to disagree? STFU? Nope. Especially not if the issue at hand is whether pizza or tacos are better. Or if leggings should be worn as pants. Or if when you fart audibly in public you should say, "Excuse me," or just pretend like nothing happened.
OK, I made that last one up, but, thoughts? I'm asking because it just happened to...a friend. My friend Cornelius. Yep, that gassy bastard Cornelius.
Master Debaters, Smosh Edition is a party game that comes with 266 Master Debater cards filled with pointed questions and qualitative comparisons (i.e., pop culture musings.) Two or more players must draw a card, and then defend opposing points, competing to convince two or more non-player judges that their argument is the best. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.