A Day in Code - C Programming Language Picture Book

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Mother Goose meets Mother of all programming languages in A Day in Code: An illustrated story written in the C programming language. Author Shari Eskenas' tale takes readers through an "epic day" of fun traveling from the breakfast table to the beach to the bowling alley, describing encounters along the way in the omnipresent C to help them learn about basic programming concepts.
Illustrator Ana Quintero Villafraz provides the pictures, with each situation - such as making 20 pancakes for breakfast - described on facing pages with an illustration and the code for a C program.
A Day in Code is suitable for young kids as a simple picture book, with a side of "We're grooming you to be the next Bill Gates! Or at least someone who can fix our computers when they break!" But it's also intended for teens and adults as a simpler and more fun way to legit learn about programming concepts and the C language. Gift for a geek, anyone?
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