Baking Bad: A Parody in a Cookbook
Now that Breaking Bad is over it's time to cook up your own meth...cupcakes. Or, I don't know, maybe it's just blue food coloring in the mix and rock candy on top. Whatever, fans of the show going through Walter White withdrawal--and dieters going through dessert withdrawal for that matter--can now cling to their obsession with the just-released Baking Bad: A Parody in a Cookbook.
Walter White becomes Walter Wheat and drug rings at primetime onion rings at dinnertime in this tongue-in-cheek salute to what some would argue is the greatest TV show of all time. Let's just hope Baking Bad's Tighty Whitey Bites and Ricin Krispie Squares do as much justice to my belly as its gritty, compelling small screen counterpart did to my overall quality of life. Other recipes include Buried Barrel Dessert, Box-Cutter Donuts, and Heisen(Batten) Burg Cake. I say there better be one for Crispy Fried Pollos Heramanos amongst the cookbook's 128 full-color pages loaded with photos and textual references too.
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