Game of Thrones Cookbook

Posted: May 27, 2012
Game of Thrones Cookbook
Check It Out

Replete with an endorsement and foreword by George R. R. Martin, the definitive Game of Thrones cookbook, A Feast of Ice and Fire, begins shipping on May 29, 2012. Pre-orders are currently available for recipes replicating everything from Winterfell feasts and King's Landing gluttony sessions to the dense and bloody belly-fillers whipped up along The Wall. Cookbook authors Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Sariann Lehrer have been blogging Game of Thrones recipes on Inn at the Crossroads for over a year now, and their succulent, surprisingly easy to make dishes have garnered a widespread and loyal following. They've also earned the praise of Martin himself, who heard about the women's blog, and encouraged his own publisher to offer them a book deal for A Feast of Ice and Fire.

The cookbook touches upon all Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, as well as moves beyond the Narrow sea, to the exotic lands and delicacies of Essos. Over 100 recipes steam up and sweeten the pages of A Feast of Ice and Fire, most of which have been refined to incorporate modern cooking ingredients and techniques. However, the Fear Factor eaters out there won't be disappointed with the bits of, uh, adventurous medieval fare included as well. Take a look at some of the regional dishes detailed:

  • The Wall: Rack of Lamb and Herbs; Pork Pie; Mutton in Onion-Ale Broth; Mulled Wine; Pease Porridge.
  • The North: Beef and Bacon Pie; Honeyed Chicken; Aurochs with Roasted Leeks; Baked Apples.
  • The South: Cream Swans; Trout Wrapped in Bacon; Stewed Rabbit; Sister�s Stew; Blueberry Tarts.
  • King�s Landing: Lemon Cakes; Quails Drowned in Butter; Almond Crusted Trout; Bowls of Brown; Iced Milk with Honey.
  • Dorne: Stuffed Grape Leaves; Duck with Lemons; Chickpea Paste.
  • Essos & Beyond: Biscuits and Bacon; Tyroshi Honeyfingers; Wintercakes; Honey-Spiced Locusts.

The cookbook also pairs dishes for full meals and Game of Thrones-themed parties that will turn Sunday night viewing parties into comprehensive evenings of indulgence for all 5 senses. Imagine tearing into a juicy leg of honeyed chicken right as The Mountain rips off a fellow knight's arm with his bare hands. Or savoring a sweetly tart slice of lemon cake as Tyrian unleashes his tongue in a sultry act of...oratorical smack down (or what you were thinking).

Winter is coming. A Feast of Ice and Fire is here. Happy eating.

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