Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done

Posted: November 20, 2015
Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done
Check It Out

Want to be a culinary MacGyver? It might not be as admirable or lucrative as righting the world's wrongs, but I bet becoming a master of cooking steaks and making vanilla ice cream by hand will at least get you laid just as much.

OK, you might have to grow a mullet too.

Cook's Illustrated magazine has compile 1,000 of their best and most offbeat Quick Tips in Kitchen Hacks: How Clever Cooks Get Things Done. Hand-drawn illustrations accompany suggestions, ideas, and detailed how-tos that probably would never have occurred to you, particularly when things get hairy in the kitchen. Avocado pit trouble? Try using a corkscrew to jimmy it out. Tired of losing your meat thermometer in the abyss of your tool drawer (and then jabbing your hand with its business end when you're scrounging around to pull it out)? Bring on the power drill, and a perfect, thermo-sized hole in your knife block. Kitchen Hacks covers categories ranging from keeping things spic, span, and sanitized to keeping food fresher for longer to keeping your cool, and fixing your F up, when things go wrong.

In addition to helping improve your kitchen mojo, Kitchen Hacks also includes 22 recipes for homemade versions of favorites such as Nutella and Magic Shell, and shortcuts to making aged balsamic vinegar and molten chocolate cake in a coffee mug.

Muchas danke to werd.

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