Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit

Posted: December 15, 2023
Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit
$25.95 - $32.95
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Aha! A Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit. I was wondering where Reddit, TikTok, Fox News, and people addicted to goop and yoga got all their ideas, and this 451-strong set of magnetic tiles anyone can string together on a fridge or file cabinet to form ludicrous theories that will somehow enthrall millions seems the most likely source.

In addition to the original Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit, shown above, maker Dissent Pins has also developed a Bigfoot and Chemtrails and UFOs, Oh My! Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit, and a Heroes of the State Vs. Enemies of Patriotism Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory Kit, in case you need more fuel in the battle with your friend Cornelius and Alex Jones to create the most viral conspiracy theory of 2024.

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