Nathan Drake Gun Holster
David Vigil of Vigilante Leather (oh, the fortuity some people have with their given names!) has hand tooled a replica of Nathan Drake's leather gun holster from Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception that not only looks as dope and primed for TCB as the video game version, but has also been waterproofed and stress tested to sustain similar punishments of impact and wear. Not that we recommend getting into situations wherein you need a holster to sustain punishment, but, you know, if the fit hits the shan, you can at least feel confident that at the end of it all you won't have wasted $450 on a cheaply made replica.
Nate's real-world holster matches its digital counterpart right down to the custom-made metal hardware and chocolatey brown leather dye job. It sports 8 adjustable buckles for varied fits and, as an optional bonus, Vigil will even size the gun pouch to the buyer's own weapon. He can also make the design in black with gunmetal-colored hardware should anyone dig that combo more.