Flight Starter Mechanical Paper Airplane Launcher Kit

The Flight Starter is a new mechanical paper airplane launcher kit from UGEARS. While known for their skeletal, steampunk-style kinetic wood models, the Flight Starter is one of the company's few kits that's useful as something other than a neat build and desktop toy. Think of it: a hand catapult to ensure your paper airplanes don't nosedive after a foot of airtime. This isn't just a functional tool for life, it could be your newest piece of EDC!
The airplane launcher kit comes with 198 pieces you'll have to put together to make your Flight Starter. As with all UGEARS models, no glue is required. You'll also receive 2 paper airplanes and a glider in the set to test your build out as soon as it's done.
The launcher uses a rubber band motor for tension buildup, and to fire your plane when you release the trigger. There's also a winding crank to control Flight Starter tension, and therefore the distance your paper plane will fly when released - up to 30 meters.
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