Beer Puppeteer - Human Puppet Drinking Game

The Beer Puppeteer is a Dutch drinking game. Yes, that's right. The same people who think it's a good idea to ride bicycles everywhere and eat herring also think it's a good idea to turn yourself into a human puppet, and use only your puppet strings to maneuver a cup of beer into your mouth without spilling it all over yourself.
And my guess is that this drinking game is mostly played once everyone is already drunk.
And I can hardly hold a cup of beer in my hand and get it to my mouth without spilling it all over myself once I'm already drunk.
So, yeah. Hats off to the Dutch for being fit and active, chock full of Omega-3s, and able to exhibit precise fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination even while under the influence.
The Beer Puppeteer is a wearable drinking game, consisting of backpack straps affixed to a flat wood board, a hinged pair of 2-by-4s, and a second, smaller wood board with a cup holder cutout dangling from the 2-bys, along with a set of puppet strings. Don't worry, the donning and setup of the Beer Puppeteer are much less complicated than all that sounds. It's the playing of the drinking game that's going to challenge your skills, string you along, and have you drunk as a skunk human puppet before before you're done.