Euler's Disk of Infinite Spin & Sound

Posted: August 08, 2012
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I'm not saying the Euler's Disk isn't fascinating and rad and a commendable utilization of the laws of physics, but watching and listening to it creates a great deal of anxiety in my heart. It's like the foreboding music in a scary movie that goes on and on...and on and on...and ends up wreaking more havoc on my psyche than the actual scary part, which tends at least to be one big, percussive boom of I-just-crapped-my-pants that's over in a few seconds. This, though, this spinning and hissing and spinning and hissing--it increases my resting heart rate by a good 10 beats per minute. By the end of the video, I'm ready for a Xanax.

A chrome-plated steel disk with 9 pieces of magnetized holographic foil, Euler's needs only a simple flick of the wrist to set it a-twirl with glimmering visuals and ever-changing, marginally disquieting noises that last for 975 years.

Yes, that is correct. I said 975 years. And I am exaggerating.

When Euler's Disk goes for a spin, its gravitational potential energy converts to kinetic energy, and it remains in motion until the friction and vibration of the surface below it eventually calm it to a stop. Throughout the process, the disk's concave mirror base reflects the spectral particulates of its foil to exude some mesmerizing optical pleasures. We hear it's even more fun to use in a darkened room with a flashlight or laser.

The disk's kinetic energy also ignites its sound, a soaring pitch that increases as the rolling point of contact increases towards infinity. Or something like that.

Euler's Disks measure about 3" in diameter and come with a 7.9" diameter mirrored surface for spinning. They are touted as a barrel of monkeys for kids as both toys and teaching tools.

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