Giant Inflatable Twister

- Giant Jenga - $169.99
- Giant Connect Four - $36.42
- Twister Dance Version - $29.99
- Would You Rather? The Dirty Version - $10.03
- Twister Halloween Costume - $15.99
Right hand red, left foot green, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. The classic party game Twister meets the classic carnie blow-up apparatus the Bouncy House in Hammacher Schlemmer's very carefully named Inflatable Outdoor Color Dot Game. Up to 10 players can bend and finagle, intertwine and collapse in this wholesome, yet sexually tinged activity with a supersized flair. The double-stitched vinyl Twister mat measures 15' x 15' and is filled with 64 dots of the rainbow. A proportionately enlarged wheel 3' high and 24" in diameter accompanies the set to dictate whose what goes where at the start of each turn.
The game's perpetually pillowy state comes courtesy of 1-hp air blower, which requires AC attachment. Inflatable Twister packages weigh 125 pounds, and support weights of up to 1,500 pounds.