Tell Me Without Telling Me Game

Posted: November 20, 2022
Tell Me Without Telling Me Game
Check It Out

"Tell me without telling me...." You've seen the prompt - the "game," I suppose - on Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, whatever other social media platforms the cool cats are using and this dude is trying to get rid of these days. And now you see it on paper. No, cardstock, thanks to Spin Master Games turning the viral trend into the Tell Me Without Telling Me adult party game.

With an emphasis on the "adult," because this is definitely an NSFW and NSFtheKids kind of verbal (or gestural) romp.

Tell Me Without Telling Me puts the challenge of each round in the hands of the cardholder, who must say or demonstrate what is written on their cards in one of 3 ways: Show Don't Tell; One Syllable; or Freestyle. The rest of the players on that person's team then have 60 seconds to guess the words on as many cards as they can. Each card is worth a point, and those a team guesses correctly go into their points pot for the round.

Tell Me Without Telling Me card categories include people, traits, things, places, and "not safe for work."

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