Ghostbusters 2 - Original Egon Jumpsuit
I know what you're thinking. If I'm going to buy an original Ghostbusters 2 jumpsuit instead of paying my mortgage this year, it better at least be the one worn by Peter Venkman. Yeah, touche. On the one hand, Dr. Egon Spangler's uniform just doesn't have the same appeal. But on the other, I bet Bill Murray used Venkman's in his horizontal tango with so many chicks back in the day that even if it were up for sale I'm not sure I'd want to touch, much less buy and suit up in that thing.
From a fashion design standpoint, the signature attire of a Ghostbuster isn't a whole lot to speak of. A khaki cotton/poly blend onesie whose primary feature is its resilience to stains from slime and other paranormal goo. But it does have that sweet arm patch of a ghost throwing up the dos fingers to signify we're in sequel territory now. And owning any authentic Ghostbusters jumpsuit would be like owning a piece of history. I'd put it on par with having in one's possession Abe Lincoln's beard trimming kit or Moses' running sandals. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.