The Hobbit: Ring of Thorin Oakenshield
- Bilbo Baggins Sting Sword - $126.49
- Thorin's Key Leather Pendant - $29.95
- Dwalin's Axes Prop Replica - $399.99
- Thorin's Key Pen - $8.99
- Balin's Mace Prop Replica - $249.99
Planning to ring in 2013 with a dissociative fugue wherein you assume the life of a JRR Tolkien character? Hey, me too! I'm going with Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain. I've already booked my ticket to New Zealand and plotted my takeover of The Hobbiton, and am hoping that once the psychiatric disorder sets in, and my true Thorin self emerges, I'll devise an equally masterful plan to locate and regain control of the Lonely Mountain. In the meantime, I need to pre-order this ring.
The Ring of Thorin Oakenshield, a heartstopping presentation of Dwarven jewel and metal handiwork, encases a blue sodalite stone within a sterling silver cage. For Thorin, it serves as a reminder of his loss of the Mountain, his home, a kingdom, and his pride. For me, it will serve as a reminder that I am an enormous--and enormously proud--geek. But I won't really have to make that publicly known because anyone who isn't a geek too will have no idea what the ring refers to, and just assume it identifies me as a man of impeccable taste who enjoys the finer things in life.
A natural Cherry timber box lined with burgundy velvet and engraved with logos for Weta and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey houses the ring, a collector's item that is currently still in production. Interested buyers may reserve theirs now by fighting valiantly during surprise Troll attacks and paying a small deposit to vendor Secret Compass.