Pop-Up Encyclopedia of Sharks & Sea Monsters
One Amazon reviewer gives Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Sharks and Other Sea Monsters 5 stars, raving, "My 3-year-old loves it!" Well guess what, toddler mama, I'm 33 and I love it too! From Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart...
Star Wars: The Blueprints
In Star Wars: The Blueprints, "the meticulously researched text gives voice to the groundbreaking and brilliant engineers, designers, and artists that have, in film after film, created the most imaginative and iconic...
Lightning Reaction Reloaded - A Shocking Game
Well I hope the Reloaded version of Lightning Reaction doesn't follow in the footsteps of The Matrix and suck. Or maybe it's being cheeky and willingly emulating the trilogy's second installment--in the sense that while...
Sky Bouncer - Bouncing Frisbee
Great. Now when I don't catch the frisbee not only is it going to hit me in the face, it's going to hit me in the face and then bounce off up to 25 feet. The Sky Bouncer flies like a disc but ricochets off walls, floors...
Puzzlebox Orbit - Brain-Controlled Helicopter
The power of the human mind. It inspires nothing less than awe and reverence. Even the minds of idiots, which often serve either as entertainment or pleasurable, self-elevating disbelief that someone could be dumb enough...
PS4 Retro Nintendo Skin
This retro Nintendo skin for the PlayStation 4 is what I'm giving to Cornelius as a Pre-Christmas and, more importantly, consolation gift since he will not be having sex with any regularity (i.e., at all) for the foreseeable...
Grow Glow Snow
Grow Glow Snow! It's not a request, it's an order, son! Get a bowl! Get some water! Watch it expand to 100 times its starting size, just like a diaper that's been pissed in*! And, if you're a real man, turn off the lights...
Kama Pootra: 52 Mind-Blowing Ways to Poop
Both the best and the worst part about the Kama Pootra is that many of its 52 Mind-Blowing Ways to Poop turn a visit to the crapper into a group activity. I mean, on the one hand, who couldn't use a little help pinching...
Superfight! Card Game
Superfight! instructs us to imagine Cards Against Humanity meets Apples to Apples. For the sake of what comes next, I would add to imagine this meeting takes place in either a dark alley, an octagon, or on opposite ends...
Q-Ba-Maze Marble Run
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and people who live in marble towers should watch out because...bombs away! MindWare's Q-Ba-Maze 2.0 is an interlocking system of brightly-hued cubes that tinkerers...
The Pantera Claw
I don't know if the Pantera Claw looks cooler than the Wolverine-esque claw we previously showed you--I should have had the forethought to consult on this topic with the bearded grandmaster modeling the latter version--but...
A Christmas Story Monopoly
When you're finished Monopoly-izing zombies in the Walking Dead version, I triple dog dare you to get into the holiday spirit with A Christmas Story's take on the beloved board game. Who wants to have a BB gun-off for...
The Zombie Shooting Guide
If we were to step into reality for a brief moment, I guess we would concur that the opportunity to apply combat marksmanship and self-defense training to an encounter with an actual zombie is probably never going to...
The Walking Dead Monopoly
I don't know what you get when you pass Go--maybe another axe or Gator machete to add to your zombie defense arsenal--but I do know that when I play Monopoly: Walking Dead Survival Edition I'll have permanent dibs on...
Sphyke C3N - Bike Component Locks
Even if you're not an indignant, self-important cyclist with a $3,500 carbon fiber bike and a fat chip on your emaciated shoulder it really sucks when you lock up your manpowered transporter like a responsible citizen...
Hovding - Airbag Bicycle Helmet
The Swedish Hovding has a lofty goal: un-dorkify bicycle helmets without compromising their ability to keep bicycle riders un-dead. With claims of being one of the market's safest helmets, Hovding trades in the foam-filled...
Gomboc - The World's Only Self-Righting Object
The geometric Gomboc's shape supposedly mimics that of a radiated tortoise shell, and its movement that of the animal's when it rights itself without the use of its limbs. Now if that's the case, my question is: why would...
Double Retrospect - 32,000-Piece Puzzle
Problem 1: Finding a surface area of my mama's house large enough to accommodate a puzzle whose assembled size measures 214" x 75.5", or about 17' x 6'. Problem 2 (and Problem Much Bigger): Uh, putting the brain-and-eye-fryer...
Ron Burgundy LEGO Minifigure
I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly... I don't know what I like more: that Etsy vendor Albert Hernandi of miniBIGS made a LEGO Ron Burgundy minifig, or that he made a LEGO Scotch...
The Zombie Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a living creature was stirring�but the undead ones were ampin' up to grub on some jolly fat man flesh...
Sega Genesis Classic Game Console
I wish I had spring chicken status that would plant the original debut of the original Sega Genesis Console square before my time, but, sadly, it's a comeback whose initial rise to popularity I remember well. 1989 is...
Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes
Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes is a compilation and continuation of the Mapping Stereotypes project created by visual artist Yanko Tsvetkov. That's a curt, dispassionate way of saying the Atlas of Prejudice stockpiles...
The Married Kama Sutra
The Married Kama Sutra: The World's Least Erotic Sex Manual extols both the wild and nuanced interactions of married life, and categorizes them--with illustrations--into the next echelon of the ancient Indian guide to...
DIY Gamer Kit
Technology Will Save Us. At least the company will. Their line of DIY technology will save us from idle hands, clumsy fingers, and thumbs up our butts. The latest, a DIY Gamer Kit, encourages the inquisitive first to...