Sporting Goods

Wilson Airless Basketball

$2,500 Wilson »

Imagine a basketball game where the bounce never dies, the game never stops for a pump, and the play is as seamless as your flow on the court. Enter the court with Wilson's Airless Basketball Prototype, the future of...

Tail Devil Skateboard Spark Plate

$14.99 Amazon »

The Tail Devil Skateboard Spark Plate comes to your wheels straight from Hell. No, really. It's embossed right into the red plastic of the plate itself: "Made in Hell." And it might not even be a joke. A tool that leaves...

Honda Motocompacto

$995 Honda »

What do you get when you combine a toaster, an external hard drive, and a 1990s Kodak camera? Nothing. But add some wheels, handlebars, and a seat, and voila! You've got Honda's new Motocompacto all-electric scooter!...

RollWalk Electric Roller Skates

$499 - $699 RollWalk »

RollWalk eRW3 Electric Roller Skates are ready to roll, baby, roll. At up to 20MPH, and 15-1/2 miles on a single charge, thanks to a pair of rear-drive motors with 400W of peak power, and a 14,3000mAh Samsung 18650 lithium...

Adventure Board Multi-Use, All-Terrain Utility Board

$799 - $1,399 Adventure Board »

The Adventure Board claims to have "endless uses," and it's not messing around in saying so. You can use this all-terrain, all-season utility board as everything from a floating dock and paddle raft, to a waterslide...

Lander Recycled Ocean Fishing Net Skateboards

$89.99 - $127.99 Amazon »

Save a dolphin, ride a Lander. Lander Skateboard decks are made of a blend of recycled nylon and glass fiber reinforcement, the former 100% composed of retired ocean fishing nets. Retired ocean fishing nets that, thanks...

Steppix PRO Portable Breaking Mat

Sold Out Amazon »

Oh, what, b-boys and b-girls, cardboard isn't good enough anymore? You're gonna buy a Steppix PRO Portable Breaking Mat, and have it shipped in an Amazon box that itself would be perfectly suitable and portable enough...

Beer Glass Dart Sharpener Keychain

Sold Out Amazon »

It would seem you'd have to really like playing darts and really like drinking beer to own a Beer Glass Dart Sharpener Keychain, but, I mean, I'd say I'm 5/10 on the first and 7/10 on the second, and I'd still buy one...

Nightball LED Volleyball

$29.99 Amazon »

You might be a baller, but I'll bet you're no Nightballer. Ooooh, spike! In your face!...

Powerchute Mach II Golf Swing Trainer

Sold Out Amazon »

There's a lot of stuff like the Powerchute Mach II Golf Swing Trainer out there. Which is to say, there's a lot of stuff out there to make you better at golf. Way more than there is to make you better at, say, soccer...

SpyraThree Water Bullet Water Gun

$172 Amazon »

How many tries does it take to get to the center of the Spyra water bullet water gun design? Let's ask Mr. Owl. Oooone. ...Twoooo. ... Thrrreeee! Three tries! At least for now, since Spyra just released the latest version...

Kickit Soccer Tennis Game

$79.99 Amazon »

Sorry, make that Kickit The Original Soccer Tennis Game. For outdoors, for indoors, for the lawn, the beach, or the playground, Kickit is a portable game that combines the foot action of soccer with the tennis goal of...

Kickit Pro Trainer - Badminton Meets Soccer

$20.99 Amazon »

Ah, badminton and soccer. Two sports very...well...irrelevant to my heart. Not to dog the Kickit Pro Trainer, which looks a way. A way that's sort of like, "Sure! I'll mess around with this hacky sack for 5 minutes...

Vurtego V4 Pro - Air-Powered Adult Pogo Stick

Sold Out Amazon »

The Vurtego V4 Pro is one of the few kinds of bouncy, bouncy this dude would never touch. First of all, the air-powered adult pogo stick is designed with an 11+-foot vertical, and as Blood, Sweat & Tears kindly reminds...

Indo Trick Trampoline Scooter

$49.95 - $119.95 Amazon »

Tramp not included. The Indo Trick Trampoline Scooter is a wheelless board-and-bar design made to help scoot enthusiasts practice freestyle tricks, plus come up with new ones. I'd say it's a safer way to learn Triple...

Brompton A Line Folding Bike

$1,150 Amazon »

The Brompton A Line Folding Bike has nailed it. That's exactly what I want to do at work all day too: curl up in the fetal position under my desk until it's time to go home. At which point I will unfurl like a beautiful...

Third Assist Vintage-Style Hockey Gloves

$89 - $129 Third Assist »

Third Assist's vintage-style hockey gloves could eliminate fights in the sport. Because who's ever gonna wanna take these sweet throwback gloves off? I wouldn't. Even to punch some a-hole's teeth out...

mountainFLOW Biodegradable Ski & Snowboard Wax

$14.99 Amazon »

Hit the slopes, without ruining them, with mountainFLOW biodegradable ski and snowboard wax. Deemed safe "for both the user and the environment," mountainFLOW is a plant-based wax that contains no petroleum, the active...

Nite Ize SlapLit LED Slap Wrap

$11.19 - $15.99 Amazon »

Neon colors that glow even brighter with LEDs. Haphazard criss-crossy line design. Slap bracelet functionality. The Nite Ize SlapLit LED Slap Wrap is 1990s safety and visibility at your service! Don't forget the braided...

Pelican Marine Series Waterproof Floating Phone Pouch

$24.99 - $29.99 Amazon »

The Pelican Marine Series Waterproof Floating Phone Pouch is available in Olive Green, Stealth Black, and - are you ready, Mama? - Garden Party Blue. Flowered, feminine, and perfect for all the times you drop your phone...

Goblies Play Paint Goo for Water Guns

$9.50 Amazon »

Goblies Play Paint Goo Play Paint Goo-ifies any squirt gun or water blaster. The tubs o' fun are filled with colorful and tactile substances that will enhance any water battle and - good news for the parents dealing with...

Flingo - Throw & Catch 70 Yards


There was a farmer who had a net, and Flingo was its name-o / F-L-I-N-G-O, F-L-I-N-G-O, F-L-I-N-G-O / And Flingo was its name-o. (I'm pretty sure he used it to play 70-yard fetch with his dog Bingo to help calm himself...

Latitude S1 Snow Helmet with Built-In Comm System

$159 - $214.99 Amazon »

Sena's Latitude S1 Snow Helmet pairs safety with safety...or the pleasure of shooting the shit with your friends on the slopes, depending on how you view and use the Bluetooth comm system built into the helmet's protective...

Tic Tac Gun

$14.99 - $24.99 Etsy »

The Tic Tac Gun takes aim at anyone who's eaten the garlic & cheese bread, or drank a whole pot of coffee this morning, and pelts 'em with fresh breath...