Bottle Rocket Lawn Darts
- Bottle Rocket Race Car - $19.80
- Russet Potato Powered Clock - $9.81
- Coke Can DIY Robot - $19.99
- Pool Jarts - $19.99
- Boochie Ball Game - $25.72
Have proper lawn darts impaled enough toddlers and chihuahuas that they've been outlawed? Is it Mother Necessity who popped out these dart-bottle rocket hybrids, or did ideacious founder and industrial designer, Joshua Brasse, just want to create a game as recyclable as all the beer-filled cans that will surely be consumed while playing it? The pictured plastic flights attach to soda bottles topped off with either sand or water, resulting in an aerodynamic wonder that sails through the skies as show-stoppingly as your mother's pointed observations about the ethnic diversity on your block in a room full of ethnic peoples.
Bottle Rockets work best with 600mL Coke bottles, though any you have on hand can achieve its full projectile potential once assembled. The set includes makings for 4 rockets, and will be available once the product has enough buyers to go into production. A $5 deposit earns your spot in line. Once the factory starts smoking, you'll confirm your order and pay the $19 balance.
A sort of midpoint between Kickstarter and Etsy, ideacious 1) provides product creators a medium for presenting their ideas to an audience, and recruiting investors, and 2) serves as a straight-up online retail space for artists and inventors who already have their goods ready to move. For the buyer, it is an opportunity both to impulse buy on the spot cool shit you probably don't really need, and to purchase concept products that have yet to be made, knowing your support is part of what will ultimately determine if they reach that final step. As a literal bonus, investing in a product by pre-ordering it--typically with a mere $5 deposit--makes you a true investor, with the potential to earn your money back with interest. To read more about ideacious, head over here.