Hand-Carved Bear Slingshot

Posted: January 04, 2013
Hand-Carved Bear Slingshot

Rrraaawwwrrr! The only thing better than a bear slingshot would be a bear slingshot and some pie. Adam Gray, I need a bear slingshot! Mama, I need some pie!

Gray, owner of Hella Slingshots, hand carves his animal-themed projectile launchers from fancy wood, and then attaches them to latex tubing and a leather pouch. He reminds all potential buyers that slingshots are not toys. They should be used with care and self-control, and kept away from unsupervised children, who are likely to shoot their eye out or otherwise create a situation in which their parents are going to have to apologize profusely, pay a lot of money, and possibly retain an attorney on their behalf. And speaking of attorneys, Gray notes that, "By purchasing one of our products you agree not to sue Adam Gray or Adam Gray LLC no matter what, for any reason, or anybody related to him by blood or business."

Whoa, that's a lot of warnings. But I think in this case they're unnecessary. I mean, if the bear tethering the slingshot were smiling, I might think it was a toy, but since it's making a frowny face, the intimidation factor is high, and I'm pretty sure adults will sling with caution, and kids will take one look at it and just run away.

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