Star Wars Death Star Soccer Ball
Talk about taking one for the team. I wouldn't kick that thing. I'd gingerly pick it up, tuck it under my arm, and run for my life as it rained yellow cards. The Death Star soccer ball is a limited edition release, part of some Star Wars Celebration Europe II series of merchandise. So of course it's soccer-themed. And you can save your breath contacting the manufacturer to politely inquire about R2D2 basketball jerseys or Princess Leia bun football helmets. I think the fact they hung up on me means they don't have any.
At a little less than 9" in diameter, the Death Star soccer ball probably won't pass for regulation size on the field. But it's at least in complete, Episode IV form, and so will still suffice for nerdalicious father-son bonding time, menacing LEGO Rebels, and "accidentally" pelting the neighbor's crapface cat that skulks unattended into my yard to hiss at me.