Trick Concepts Fire Baton with Kevlar Wick (NSFW)

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So many surprising and delightful things about this fire baton from Trick Concepts! First, by fire baton, I thought they meant it was a stick you could use to put out, or at least beat back fires. Admittedly, that sounds unbelievable, but the improbability of it hooked me, and made me click on the fire baton listing to find out what the flames was going on. And then when I got there....
Oh boy. As in hot diggity dog. As in...boobies! You were probably wondering how the kevlar-wicked fire stick got my NSFW rating. The reason, as a quick look at the photo gallery below will indicate, is its "lifestyle shot," which features a lit fire baton flanking an even hotter pair of boobies. And not just any boobies. Boobies whose visibility and caliber qualify them as another entry in my catalogue of the top images I can't believe are allowed on Amazon.
So at this point in my fire baton research I had: 1) realized it is so named because it is a staff with 2 ends covered in kevlar you can soak in liquid fuel, light on fire, and twirl around as part of crowd-pleasing pyro performances (or to get people to give you the 6 feet of social distancing you asked for); and 2) seen boobies that made the entire recon effort worth it. The next thing I did was read about the flaming batons, and Trick Concepts, the LA-based business that makes them.
Trick Concepts makes all of their fire spinning products onsite. Specifically, the fire batons "are designed and created by Jaz, a mechanical engineer and custom metal fabricator and Scorch, an artist and fire performer." Fire staffs made by Jaz and Scorch for your half-naked spinning pleasure! Does it get any better than that? is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.