Seinfeld - The Video Game About Nothing
Seinfeld Adventure, despite looking like a pixel-populated resurgence of a game from the 90s, is a video game about nothing that really is nothing. For now. But with the help of the internet - us - creators Jacob Janerka and Ivan Dixon are aiming to turn Seinfeld the video game into something.
They've put together a website with their pitch for reinventing the Seinfeld-verse, and while we don't have the power of NBC to greenlight the Jerry-George duo's video game about nothing, the pair are hoping we can show there's enough demand for one that their actual pitches to Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, and the powers that be have some momentum behind them. They can't proceed without an official contract granting them the rights to make a game based on the Seinfeld IP.

Janerka and Dixon's basic concept is a Seinfeld point-and-click adventure game that looks and plays like an official franchise game from the 90s that was never released. The "plot" would stay true to the Seinfeld universe, and include all of your favorite characters, references, and objects (e.g., Junior Mints, chocolate babka) but not regurgitate storylines from the show.
Crafted as multiple "episodes," each intended to take a sitcom-friendly half hour to play, The Seinfeld video game will present a brand new story with themes, content, and dialogue Janerka and Dixon say will stay faithful to the show. Players will assume the role of Jerry, George, or Elaine, or be able to play multiple characters, and Kramer, while unplayable, will be around to influence the story as a wildcard.
Janerka and Dixon don't need any money from you (yet) but they do request that you check out their Seinfeld Adventure trailer and website, and then share them with everyone you know. Maybe they should also set up a LEGO Ideas-style voting and comments system on their site too to better track support. It worked out pretty well for the Seinfeld 30th Anniversary LEGO set.