ChargeCard Wallet-Sized Charger
This interest-free ChargeCard will never send you into debt and never threaten to ruin your credit. Granted, it won't buy you an iPhone 5s either, but should you get one and suffer a dead battery within the first 3 hours of use, ChargeCard can help you rejuice without hauling out a 3' tangled mess of cords. Able to recharge from any USB port, ChargeCards are sized to fit in your wallet, and are available for both Android devices with micro-USBs and Apple products with lightning connections.
ChargeCard for Android serves as a conduit of power from any USB port to any micro-USB device, and ChargeCard for for iPhone, iPad, and iPad Mini from any USB port to lightning compatibility. With the world's thinnest USB phone cable attached to a plate the thickness of a 2-1/2" credit card, ChargeCard slips easily inside wallets for charging and syncing devices in a pinch, on the go, or just when you don't feel like dragging out wet spaghetti masses of wire.
Slide out your cash money charge cards through June 5, 2014 to get the ChargeCard as a Dude Exclusive at 20% off retail value.
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