DropShades LED Glasses

Posted: July 08, 2016
DropShades LED Glasses
Check It Out

Now my question is: how many minutes of DropShades flashing to the rhythm of the boogity beat an inch away from my eyeballs until I get a migraine or have a seizure? Not to be a downer or anything. I'll start again.

Party on, dudes! With a pair of DropShades audio-responsive glasses to spur you along through those vital 4- to 6-a.m. pass-out hours. The shades' light bars contain 12 LEDs and connected sensors that detect both the beat and the volume of music and sounds, enabling your eyewear to dance along in sync to the DJ, live show, or your girlfriend yelling at you for feeding her cat the turkey chili her mom brought over (hey, you thought it tasted like cat food when you ate it.)

DropShades are rechargeable, so they have no wires and no battery pack. Each charge lasts up to 72 hours. Available in Black or White frames, and for 20% off for a limited time.

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