Time & Oak Signature Whiskey Elements

Posted: October 19, 2016
Time & Oak Signature Whiskey Elements
Check It Out

Ladies and gentlemen, with Time & Oak's Signature Elements you can age your face in days instead of years! Who wants one? I'll start the bidding at $10,000! Funny how you change one word in a product's pitch and it sends all potential customers running for a galaxy far, far away. Or running to drown their sorrows in a glass of whiskey because after taking that job / having that kid / getting pushed out from under that mama's financial umbrella, it sure does feel like they've aged 1 to 4 years in 1 to 4 days.

But let's go back to that glass of whiskey. Put it where the word "face" is in that aging statement, because spirits are the real aging target of Time & Oak Signature Elements. The oak flavor infusers and toxin filters say they will make your favorite spirit taste like it's spent an extra year or 4 in a barrel in as little as 24 hours.

The Signature Whiskey Elements set includes 6 comb-toothed sticks you can add to a bottle or decanter of whiskey, or really any liquor you want to permeate with vanillins, sugars, and tannins. Try tequila, vodka, rum, or gin too, and feel free to experiment further, adding citrus, chilis, or cinnamon sticks along with the Elements.

Speed up time with oak at a discount, with 33% off Time & Oak's Signature Whiskey Elements for a limited time.

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