Innova Advanced Heat & Massage Inversion Table

Posted: October 30, 2021
Innova Advanced Heat & Massage Inversion Table
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How do you ruin a massage? Make me get it in various states of hanging upside down. An advanced heat and massage inversion table, Innova? Who am I, Batman?

I know a lot of people like these inversion tables for stretching, pain, and spinal traction, but all they do for me is make all the blood and, more importantly, snot in my body dump into my head. They create more problems and discomfort than they solve. For me. But maybe you dudes love them, which is why this benevolent Dude is introducing you to the Innova ITM5900.

Most inversion tables are just low-budget carnival rides that flip you over, or hold you in place anywhere along a 145-degree(ish) path. Innova's "advanced" model adds in a vertical massage and heat pad along your back to provide any muscle tension relief and whole-body relaxation the act of dangling from your feet doesn't accomplish on its own. The massager is mostly just a vibrator for your back, not one of those kneading shiatsu models, but hey, nothing wrong with vibrators.

The ITM5900 inversion table also features Innova's True Balance System and Six Angle Pin System, which the company says "allows each user to find their own unique center of gravity," and use the table safely and with ease.

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