PowerBlock Classic Adjustable Dumbbell Set
For what you're getting here, the price cannot be beat. These are solid, easily adjustable and very easy to use. Ranging from 5 to 50 pounds each, look no further for your entire home gym needs than this set of dumbbells.
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Steelhose 5-in-1 Flexible Free Weights
The name "Steelhose" is literal. These 5-in-1 flexible free weights from FitFighter are lengths of real fire hose filled with steel shot. Use them regularly in your exercise routine - or join FitFighter's fitness app...
Penis Weight Set
All the talk of building a prison body during quarantine made me seek out this penis weight set. Because while you can certainly do pushups, pullups, chinups, dips, and squats like a convicted felon, it's gonna be real...
Fat Gripz Arm Builders
Obviously the best thing to do if you want to be as strong and jacked as humanly possible is take a lot of steroids. But since steroids are expensive and mostly illegal and might make you talk like Mickey Mouse, an alternative...
Magnetic Dumbbells
Are you stronger than electromagnetism? O2 Magnetic Dumbbells, a pair of rings with embedded electromagnets, work in tandem to generate resistance as their ends repel, and challenge users to build muscle by fighting their...
Zombie Bells
First it was the apes that got the swing and pood treatment. It was only natural, really. Now, fitness...dare I say maverick?...Onnit has designed another limited edition set of freakish kettlebells, this time giving...
HYPERBELL - Turn Your Dumbbells Into a Full Home Gym
HYPERBELL knows the home gym I've spent the last year-and-a-half building isn't going anywhere, regardless of when and whether I can go back to group fitness facilities. But, at least according to my wife, we need to...
Essential Equipment for a Complete Home Gym
I wish I could tell you the essential equipment for a complete home gym includes a memory foam recliner, cooler coffee table, and 65" 4K TV, but...well actually, you could argue the TV is essential for streaming your...
Bas Rutten Mass Suit
A full-body resistance band suit that enhances training and promotes more comprehensive muscle use and development? That's almost as ridiculous as a mouthpiece that reduces oxygen flow to improve lung endurance and athletic...
ExoHinge Resistance Exoskeleton
"You lift, bro?" "Naw, dude, I ExoHinge." The ExoHinge resistance exoskeleton - a much cooler way of saying a wearable, hands-free piece of fitness equipment - is a minimalist solution for people who want to lift weights...
Professional Deck Workout Bench
Fly, press, curl, and plyo bench for me, Jane Fonda--or whatever high-strung YouTube workout bunny took over for her--step aerobics for my girlfriend. If I could own only one piece of fitness equipment...well, I would...
DB2 Next Generation Dumbbell
I think a "next generation" dumbbell should be one that makes me ripped just by looking at it. But that next generation seems to be a few more generations of next out. As we make our way towards, it, we have this stop...
Birt Plate Strength System
When Ryan Birt created the Birt Plate Strength System, injury was the mother of his invention. A college wrestling champion and football player, Birt injured his elbow in a football game, and found he couldn't lift a...