Upaloop Fitness Stool

Upaloop-a, doompa-de-doo / I've got a brand new workout for you. Upaloop-a, doompa-de-dee / A fitness stool that will shrink a belly.
Take a seat, my dudes and ladies, and let the Upaloop Fitness Stool teach you how to twist, turn, and rotate your way to a stronger core and spine, improved posture, and possibly even better mental focus. The swiveling seat does more than just turn you to and fro, it forces you to find balance and rhythm as you rotate along the arced path created by the Upaloop's jointed post. Think of seated hula hooping, minus the hula hoop.
You can incorporate the Upaloop Fitness Stool into a workout - particularly if you're an adult with exercise restrictions or mobility issues - or sub it in for your WFH desk chair, and enjoy its "active sitting" benefits throughout the day.
Upaloop says regular use of the stool will engage and strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles, which will in turn improve posture. The stool's easy movement also makes you more aware of how you're sitting, reminding you to do what your mama said and "Sit up straight!" The constant movement the Upaloop promotes also keeps your blood circulating, which sends more oxygen to your brain, and supports the fitness stool's claim that it enhances brain activity and focus.
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