Whisky Advent Calendar
The holidays. A season of (incredibly long and growing longer) buildup. Of personal reflection. Of getting comprehensively sloshed and drowning the sorrows generated by such a long flippin' buildup and the unhappy outcome of personal reflection. Oh, hello Whisky Advent Calendar. What is that you have replaced plastic-flavored milk chocolate Santa Clauses and candy canes with? One-ounce bottles of fine Scotch whisky? Well. Owning one of you would certainly give the illusion that I am partaking in the most festive time of year, whilst simultaneously contributing to my alcohol-induced quest not to remember most of it.
And for the non-cynics out there, think of Drinks by the Dram's Whisky Advent Calendar as an even more superfun awesome way to partake in a beloved childhood tradition. Because all superfun awesome childhood traditions get even better with booze.
Calendars count down the traditional 24 days leading up to Christmas, with each door rewarding its perforated-cardboard-puncher with a different sample of whisky. Drinks by the Dram is keeping specific contents a secret, but does disclose that one of the cubbies houses a sample of a 50-year-old single malt Scotch whose full-sized bottle goes for around $550.
Huh. Maybe it will be a Merry Christmas after all.
And if not, at least I'll still have my Christmas Story Leg Lamp to cuddle with.
Muchas danke to Cool Material.