Alcohol-Infused Whipped Cream
In the true spirit of the holiday season, here comes a little gift that will make you even more fat and drunk. Whipped Lightning turbocharges ordinary canned whipped cream with 36.5 proof grain alcohol and 12 mostly-tasty-sounding flavors. This year, instead of letting your mother decimate a small portion of your will to live with each backhanded compliment, get Tropical Passion tipsy on her Jell-O mold. Hazelnut Espresso happy on a mug o' hot chocolate. Spiced Vanilla shit-faced on pumpkin pie! Or just see what kind of whip-it high you can achieve by introducing a little booze to your nitrous oxide. Whipped Lightning's makers have even done us the favor of winning alcoholic beverage classification from the FDA, which means their labels do not require nutritional information, which means no one has any idea how many calories are in each can, which means you should feel free to ingest piles upon piles of chocolate Mint Whipahol now, and maybe just make a note to worry about your gut in 2012. Refrigeration is not only not required, it's not even recommended, so go ahead and keep a can of German chocolate in your nightstand in case your life somehow gets even better than spiked whipped cream, and Ali Larter drops by.