
Habanero Honey Badger BBQ Sauce


This ain't no Pooh Bear honey. Fortified with freshly chopped habanero peppers, the meaty smoke of a hot grill, and a subtle dose of bee nectar, Honey Badger BBQ Sauce will grab you by the nuts, make you lick the sun...

Bacon Maple Doughnut Beer


For those who believe Oregon is just full of bike-ridin', tree-huggin', farmer's-market-shoppin', paradoxically-Nike-wearin' liberal geeks...well, maybe you're mostly right, but Oregonians also have some pretty wicked...

Freedom Flask Liquor Bladder

Sold Out Amazon »

Ahhh, summertime. 'Tis the season. To be sneaky. The Freedom Flask, in the same spirit of duplicity and cunning as the Nano Hummingbird Spy Camera and the iStash, aids users in their quests to do things they aren't supposed...

Tower of Sour Candy Urine Samples

We're ampin' up for the Summer 2012 Olympics. Which means the Olympic athletes are ampin' up for their drug tests. So in the spirit of US dominance, and the hope that none of our dominating athletes get busted for doping...

Vinderpants - Underwear for Wine

$7.88 Amazon »

I guess the novelty well of Handerpants has begun to run dry, so from the cratered depths of their derrieres, its makers have pulled out another way to capitalize on the kitschiness and comic relief of placing underwear...

Kraken Flasks

$85 - $450 Etsy »

Rejoice ye liquor-sipping non-smokers who thought the Octopus Pipes we featured last month would be cool, if only you inhaled. Kraken Flasks are here to evoke equal reverence from those who enjoy a fine swig of Scotch...

Bombs Away Shot Glass Set

Sold Out Amazon »

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Cue music. Cue fireworks. And cue bottoms up. This set of two Bombs Away shot glasses arms liquor shooters with the makings of an explosively good time. Just don't...

Protein Ketchup

$37.89 Protica »

Normal ketchup is basically tomato sauce and corn syrup. Protein Ketchup is basically tomato sauce and corn syrup that have been kicked in the face by Chuck Norris and are therefore jacked up with 15 grams of Pure. Patent...

Original Thai Red Bull


Red Bull creator Chaleo Yoovidhya died in March 2012, leaving behind an unparalleled energy drink phenomenon and industry. Not since Coca-Cola and YouTube spectacles involving numerous tabs of Alka Seltzer has a carbonated...

S**tfaced Horse Wine Bottle Holder

Sold Out Amazon »

The lesson here is when a racehorse never drinks water and always drinks wine, he doesn't win races, he becomes an alcoholic. And while manufacturer Rivers Edge would have us think we're doing track retiree Stewball a...

Collapsible Shot Glass Key Ring

$4.95 Amazon »

Collapsible shot glass on a key ring. I think my grandma had one of these. She used to put water from the drinking fountain in it for me when I was still too short to reach the spout. No wonder I've always found the scent...

Don't Break the Bottle Wine Puzzle

$29.99 Amazon »

Oh, Dad. You're such a sage. A simultaneous student and master of life. Willing pawn of the golf course, declared slave to the fishing pole. A magnate at the office, a maestro on the grill. Cigar aficionado, connoisseur...

Liquor Bottle Lock

$15.99 GoKeyless »

All those times I bring a bottle of vodka to work for lunch and some d-bag from HR sneaks into the freezer and takes a few swigs like I'm not going to notice? Gone. And, at $15.99, the Liquor Lock is way cheaper than...

Breweries of the United States

According to The Map of United States Breweries, Americans have over seven square feet of wall-coverin' love for beer. In fact, I think the nickname "America's Favorite Pastime" was given to baseball, a sport during which...

Scorzie - Scoreboard Koozie


One fun thing to do while drinking is engage in games of low to moderate skill and athleticism. Likewise, one fun thing to do while engaging in such games is drink. Scorzie, then, is an obvious proponent of fun. A beer...

STACKED Wine By the Glass

$14.99 Stacked Wines »

Stacked pre-filled wine glasses not only enable wine consumption anytime, anywhere, they pretty much eliminate any excuse one may have had not to. Sophisticated oenophiles and thirsty winos alike will delight in the pop!...

Skillet Bacon Jam

Sold Out Amazon »

Know what sucks about a bacon cheeseburger? OK, besides nothing. What sucks is when you sink your teeth into its crispy-juicy tag team of flesh, and the bacon doesn't break cleanly. When an entire, mayonnaise-laden strip...

The Beast - Fist Can Koozie

$20.49 Amazon »

Sure, I'm on the receiving end of a knuckle sandwich...again...but at least at the fist of The Beast I can wash it down with an ice cold Bud Light Lime. What? BLL is why I keep getting sucker punched in the first place?...

Homemade Chewing Gum Kit

Sold Out Amazon »

When I was little, my dad forbade me from chewing watermelon Bubblicious because he said it smelled like vomit. At the time, I was devastated. Watermelon was my favorite flavor of gum, and I had finally achieved the milestone...

Sriracha Lollipops

$10 Lollyphile »

Yes, it's the rooster sauce hardened, domed out, and mounted on a stick. Sriracha Lollipops: where cocks become balls. Online 'pop shop Lollyphile has turned everyone's favorite liquid fire into a lickable creation that...

Beer Flavor Infuser

In 2010, Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales debuted a large format beer infuser, called Randall in honor of every fifth redneck you meet, to great acclaim. It allows beer maestros to pimp out their brews with pretty much...

Boobs Ice Luge

Sold Out Amazon »

And you always thought she was an icy bitch because you couldn't get to second base. The Boob Luge puts a positive spin on the cold reality of interacting with women. Also, just like in the good ol' days of infancy, it...

Pocket Shots - Portable Pouches O' Liquor

$14.99 PocketShot »

Is that a shot of tequila in your pocket, or am I just happy to see you? Pocket Shots are flexible, stand-up pouches enshrining 50 ml servings of everyone's favorite 80-proof hard liquor varietals. Long flight? Long day...

Beer Ice Cream

Getting drunk and eating an entire pint of ice cream are typically consecutive events anyway, so why not combine them into one? Meet The Brewer's Cow, premium beer ice cream made from Guinness, Sam Adams, Ten Penny Ale...