Cooler Master Orb X Immersive Gaming & Workstation

I don't know when Cooler Master is going to release their Orb X, a motorized, multi-purpose, immersive gaming and work, but probably mostly gaming, station. Maybe when the spaceships arrive from the future, or Han Solo from a galaxy far, far away, with the shipments. The latter smuggled from the Empire, of course.
Orb X is built as a semi-enclosed pod with a fully automated motorized shuttle dome that opens and closes to provide various levels of privacy while you're gaming or working (but again, probably mostly gaming). The interior has space for a single 49" monitor, or up to 3 x 27" monitors, and surround-sound speakers for full immersion even without headphones. The rest of the family is going to love that.
Additional Orb X features include an ergonomic adjustable chair and headrest, and a hidden compartment with a built-in sliding tray for a PC rig or console.
At printing the price of the Orb X gaming and "work"station hadn't been released, and I'm sure it's gonna cost you. But probably less than a Livit pod or Archipod, so you will have a case to present in making it your new WFH (i.e., GFH) office.