Energy Tape - Sticky Tape Solar Panels

While designer Lei Yang's Energy Tape, a roll of sticky solar panels, is still just a concept, the idea is based on technology that is currently available. infinityPV makes Solar Tape, flexible, printed organic solar cells that come in adhesive-backed rolls for clipping and sticking onto rods, window blinds, window frames, glass, UAV drone / RC airplane wings, cabinets, or anywhere else you might need to feed power. Or funnel it into a battery for later use. I like Yang's suggestion of decorating tents and backpacks with with solar panels for use as an outdoor energy source.
If you want to use the infinityPV Solar Tape to charge batteries or provide direct USB output, you'll need some soldering skills or a converter, such as infinityPV's OPV3W60V DCDC converter board. In other words, Solar Tape isn't just press-and-stick-and-poof! Power! Which makes sense, but also means that I, an anti-maker and the least handy of fellows, will not be able to use it.
infinityPV Solar Tape comes standard in 30mm or 60mm widths, but the company can also custom make you some wider sticky sun suckers upon request. Tape roll length is also by request, as is a quote for its cost.
Both Solar Tape and Lei's proposed Energy Tape are removable and reusable.