BeerDroid Fully Automated Beer Brewing System

What does BeerDroid bring to your pint glass? According to the automated home brewing system, "2.6 gallons of premium quality beer with the push of a button." Nice. At the grocery store it takes me at least 5 buttons of PIN code and "Enter," plus inserting my debit card at the chip end to get that amount.
Through a home Wi-Fi connection and BrewArt app, the BeerDroid functions pretty much autonomously. You'll need to add water and a BrewArt beer mix, called a BrewPrint (hey, I thought we were making beer here, not cheese), plus press the fabled button, but from there, the machine does the rest. Throughout the process the app will send you push notifications as it reaches notable stages, and you can monitor and control the brew remotely.
Initial BeerDroid system purchase comes with BrewArt's American Pale Ale BrewPrint, and you can also use the app to make additional BrewPrint and accessory purchases. The different types of beer BrewArt offers each have brewing profiles and instructions that auto download to the app when you use it to start the BeerDroid.
An LCD screen on the front of the BeerDroid gives a brew status readout and allows you to control temperature and other customization options directly from the machine. End-of-fermentation tech auto-detects when the beer is ready for kegging.
What do you think? If you need a gift for a man, this could be the Droid you're looking for. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.