CookieCup Cookie Dunking Cup

Coming up with cookie dunking solutions must be a profitable business, because the CookieCup patent-pending cookie dunking cup is the 6th product I've run that claims to give cookies easier / better / neater / more comprehensive / less hand-jamming access to a glass of milk. The other 5? Let's review:
- The Oreo Cookie Dipper
- The Delightful Dunker
- The Oreo Mug Ultimate Dunking Gift Set
- The Dunking Buddy
- The World's Best Cookie Dunking Cup
Yet after all of those, there is still - still! - a place on the market for the CookieCup, if for no other reason than the above all seem to focus on Oreo Cookies, or at least Oreo-sized cookies. The CookieCup, though, is for cookies of all sizes, and especially for cookies of the great big, jumbo, and gargantuan sizes.

The CookieCup has the same loose shape as an upside down taco. Not too tall, and rounded on the bottom, like a cookie, but flat across the top, with an opening wide enough to fit pretty much any cookie you can cook up, but not so wide the cookie will get lost in the cup during dunking. CookieCups are also sustainably made from wheat straw, but still dishwasher, microwave, and freezer safe.
The final feature CookieCup hopes will make it a dunking slam dunk: you can use it to dunk more than cookies. Think donuts & icing, pretzels & cheese, mozzarella & marinara, toast & melted butter! If you're digging it, get to dunking it by backing the CookieCup crowdfunding campaign here on Kickstarter through March 31, 2022.