Mr. & Mrs. Lee Portable Chopsticks

According to Anima Causa, the Mr. & Mrs. Lee Portable Chopsticks "cut down the usage of disposable chopsticks while they, themselves, are functional to the max as every part has its own role." Did you hear that, Zack Morris, not just eco-friendly, but functional to the max!
I do wonder though, despite their efforts to do well and good, if choosing Mr. & Mrs. Lee to represent the portable chopstick world isn't just a little culturally, uh, questionable. I mean, I guess chopsticks are an Asian utensil, and we typically use them to eat Asian food, so I don't know. See what happens the next time you pop out Mr. & Mrs. Lee at your favorite sushi, ramen, or pho, or kung pao chicken spot.
The portable chopstick pair each consist of 3 easily carried pieces: their Mr. or Mrs. Lee case; and the 2-piece chopsticks, whose bottom half slips inside the top half when not in use.