Food & Drink
Refillable Sriracha Keychain
I know there are a few problems with this Sriracha keychain. Like in addition to enabling me to deliberately put Sriracha on my breakfast burritos and Philly cheese dips on the go, it's also going to enable me to inadvertently...
Popcorn Bowl with Kernel Sifter
While I'm pretty sure this would be the most expensive popcorn bowl - and maybe eating bowl period - you'd ever own, if you are a popcorn fiend, or a Sesame Street-style Popcorn Monster, you might like a $48 popped corn...
uKeg Pressurized Growler
Stuff like the uKeg, a portable pressurized growler for tap-fresh beer on demand, always comes from Oregon. Those dudes love their microbrews. And they're mad scientific geniuses about flooding the industry with tasty...
The Whiskey Wedge
One thing I can't stomach is getting piss drunk on piss warm whiskey. And though I do enjoy the array of giant cubes and fancy globes and Darth Vader-shaped ice molds now available for me to chill it with, their stubborn...
Mitten Flask
It's only natural that a company called Perpetual Kid would be selling a Mitten Flask. Ahhh, mittens. I lost so many of them sledding during Christmas vacation as a precocious 7-year-old. And ahhh, flasks. I always had...
Mighty Mug - The Mug That Won't Fall
We've all done it: knocked over a cup of coffee/sodie/water/vodka tonic at work and ruined something important. Like my entire week. Jayme Smaldone and his Mighty Mug cohorts blew out an important office computer with...
Prep Pad Smart Food Scale
If you had a Prep Pad bumper sticker it would say, My food scale is an honor student. More than just showing how much the avocado weighs and flashing some pre-programmed nutritional information about a pound of pork loin...
Beer Tree Gravity-Fed Home Brewer
Are normal home brewing kits typically boring and ugly? I don't really know, as I focus more on drinking beer than making beer (best to funnel all of your energy into a single channel and dominate it!) but whatever normal...
Shotshell 20-Gauge Thermos
A 20-gauge shotgun shell thermos that holds only 16 ounces of liquid! Could they not have added 4 ounces so it makes more sense? Why is it so difficult for people to be smart and think logically? Anyway, this Shotshell...
MagicalButter Cannabis Cooker
Easily make medicinal butter, oils, tinctures, lotions, and sauces. Hear that? MagicalButter is so named for its power to convert healing herbs into healing herb culinary creations. So start coughing and breaking into...
Bike-Mounted Leather Beer Caddy
Ahhh, full grain leather, a 6-pack of fine brew, and...physical activity? Blech. Can we swap that last one out for a cigar? No? That would defeat the entire purpose of Fyxation's bike-mounted beer caddy? Well. Alright...
Crock-Pot BBQ Pit Slow Cooker
The worst part of the year is upon us: the end of summer. True, football is starting again and the children who have been littering up your house for the past 2 months will soon be heading back to school, but...winter...
SpreadThat! Heated Butter Knife
I have to say, as superfluous to life as a heated butter spreader is, it would be kind of nice to have a SpreadThat! when I slice off a brick of ice cold Land O'Lakes and then mangle the ever-loving churned bovine secretions...
Wall-Mounted Shark Bottle Opener
Welcome to Shark Week 2014. Well, we're mere hours from its launch anyway. And you know you're going to want to crack a brew at 8/7 Central Time tonight when things officially kick off. Too late to use this wicked wall-mounted...
DestapaBanana Filling Injector
Are you kidding me? An Argentine made the DestapaBanana flavor injector? Not Ron Popeil or some borderline obese overenthusiastic dude with a pet monkey on Shark Tank?...
Beer Briefcase
It's no Saddleback Leather Classic in appearance, and I'm sure it doesn't come with a 100-year warranty, but the Beer Briefcase can still serve a purpose, and play a notable supporting role in a man's life. It can replace...
Brooklyn Butcher Blocks Woodenware
Nils Wessell makes some pretty beastly butcher blocks. And cutting boards. And solid wood beer mugs. His is woodenware for Real Men. And also women who like sturdy, hand-crafted, masculine-yet-sleek mainstays for their...
Rubik's Cube Mini Fridge
If you can solve this Rubik's Cube in 2 minutes or less I'll give you 1 million dollars. Awwww, shucks. Yeah, I did know the segments don't actually move. Why else would I put the offer on the table? I don't think I even...
Supersized Ice Pop Bags
Who wants some genetically modified Fla-Vor-Ice? You know, push popsicles raised in a freezer that treats its snacks with growth hormones. Yeah, OK, fine. They're just supersized because their fruit juice/yogurt/smoothie...
Custom Selfie Toasters
No more must you be the son of God or the father of Luke Skywalker to have your face toasted on a piece of whole wheat. Burnt Impressions, a Vermont-based novelty toaster company, will take any hi-res photo selfie you've...
The Coolest Cooler
Is it cool enough to be called the Coolest? You decide. After months of anticipation (well, my 6-packs, margarita mix, and I were waiting with bated breath) the Coolest Cooler has finally launched its Kickstarter campaign...
SYNEK Countertop Draft Beer System
I love this bar. It also happens to be my kitchen. Or so it will be if SYNEK and its creators have their way. The countertop draft system has been designed to serve any beer fresh from the tap, preserving its original...
50 Caliber Bullet Beer Glass
It's like the Hopside Down Beer Glass but with more of a bang. And I hear even better than a punctured aluminum can for shotgunning a Bud Light. As you can imagine, filling the 50 Caliber Bullet Beer Glass requires minimal...
Electric Tortilla Shell Maker
The Flatev homemade tortilla maker got some grumbles for its cost (likely $300 for the machine and $1 each for the tortilla pods) and true necessity as a kitchen gadget. So here's something way cheaper and probably way...